Famous People related to Mary "Polly" WhitlowBETA

RID=33635816; UP=9; DN=1 Edward Winslow (1595-1655)
Mayflower Passenger
Edward Winslow served as the governor of the Plymouth Colony. He also signed the Mayflower Compact.
Relationship: 6th Great Grand Uncle
RID=172420; UP=7; DN=5 Zachary Taylor (1784-1850)
12th President of the United States
With most of his background in military service, Zachary Taylor assumed the title "Twelfth President of the United States" in 1849. He was the second president to die in office.
Relationship: 4th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=37895392; UP=8; DN=5 Richard Allen (1760-1831)
Reverend, ex-slave
Richard Allen was an African American pastor and the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He was born as a slave to a colonial jurist.
Relationship: 4th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=26048079; UP=5; DN=9 William Faulkner (1897-1962)
American Author
Mississippi native William Cuthbert Faulkner was known for his long, winding sentences. Some of his famous novels include Go Down Moses and As I lay Dying.
Relationship: 4th Cousin 4 times removed
RID=27163917; UP=8; DN=6 James "Wild Bill" Hickock (1837-1876)
American Outlaw
James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok was a legendary gunfighter and law man in the American Wild West. Many characters in Western novels are fashioned after Hickok.
Relationship: 5th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=17047044; UP=9; DN=5 Samuel Adams (1722-1803)
Massachusetts Representative
Samuel Adams helped to organize the Boston Tea Party. From the beginning he was a loud voice for independence.
Relationship: 4th Cousin 4 times removed
RID=34299703; UP=9; DN=5 Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814)
Massachusetts Representative
Robert Treat Paine represented Massachusetts in the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence and later served in the House of Representatives for his state.
Relationship: 4th Cousin 4 times removed
RID=5486049; UP=7; DN=8 Butch Cassidy (1866-1908)
American Outlaw
Robert LeRoy Parker, better known as Butch Cassidy, was part of an infamous group of train and bank robbers, called the Wild Bunch.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=58589808; UP=6; DN=9 Ray Bradbury (1920-)
American Author
Ray Bradbury is an American horror, science fiction, and mystery writer best known for his books Martian Chronicles and Farenheit 451.
Relationship: 5th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=18595371; UP=8; DN=7 George Eastman (1854-1932)
American Inventor
George Eastman founded the Eastman Kodak Co. and invented roll film. His invention was also a precursor for motion picture film.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=17129526; UP=9; DN=6 Jane Means Appleton Pierce (1806-1863)
First Lady
Jane Means Appleton Pierce was an American First Lady and the wife of President Franklin Pierce. The social obligations of First Lady were a constant struggle for her, but she found solace in her close friends.
Relationship: 5th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=44679453; UP=7; DN=8 Nancy Astor (1879-1964)
Viscountess of Britain
Nancy Witcher Astor was the first woman to serve in the British House of Commons.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=40638222; UP=8; DN=7 John Browning (1855-1926)
John Browning was a firearms designer who developed a variety of weapons, cartridges, and gun mechanics.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=39551134; UP=8; DN=8 Judy Garland (1922-1969)
American Actress
Judy Garland, born Frances Ethyl Gumm, was a child prodigy who's singing and acting career soared after The Wizard of Oz. Her untimely death at 47 was caused by a drug overdose.
Relationship: 7th Cousin
RID=18339010; UP=7; DN=9 Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-)
First Lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton is the wife of former President Bill Clinton. She was the first First Lady to be elected to public office. She remains committed to women's rights and children's issues.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=1727683; UP=7; DN=9 Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957)
American Actor
In 1999, the American Film Institute named Humphrey DeForest Bogart the "Greatest Male Star of All Time". Bogart played in such movies as "The Maltese Falcon", "The Big Sleep", "Casablanca", and "The Caine Mutiny".
Relationship: 6th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=44567168; UP=8; DN=8 Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
American Novelist
Louisa May Alcott's transcendentalist family supported abolitionist and feminist movements during the Civil War. Her family was the inspiration for her best known novels, Little Women and Little Men.
Relationship: 7th Cousin
RID=1714953; UP=8; DN=9 John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
35th President of the United States
Irish-American politician John F. Kennedy is an icon of American liberalism. His presidency saw the beginnings of racial integration the Space Race and the Cuban missile Crisis. He was assassinated while in Texas.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=39551134; UP=7; DN=10 Judy Garland (1922-1969)
American Actress
Judy Garland, born Frances Ethyl Gumm, was a child prodigy who's singing and acting career soared after The Wizard of Oz. Her untimely death at 47 was caused by a drug overdose.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=2602884; UP=7; DN=10 Willa Cather (1873-1947)
American Author
Willa Cather has been called one of the most eminent American Authors. A muckraking journalist at first, she penned the famous My Antonia.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=24652586; UP=6; DN=11 Booker Taliaferro Washington (1856-1915)
American educator, political leader, author
Booker T. Washington was born as a slave but was freed at the age of 9. He received national attention as a spokesperson for African American citizens.
Relationship: 5th Cousin 5 times removed
RID=4767705; UP=8; DN=9 Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt (1861-1948)
First Lady
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt was the second wife of President Theodore Roosevelt. As First Lady, she had strong character, sound judgment and good household management skills.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=3980444; UP=7; DN=10 Jimmy Earl Carter (1924-)
39th President of the United States of America
President Carter sought to restore confidence in the American people after they had been deceived by President Nixon. The energy and inflation crises motivated him to set an example of how to conserve energy.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=42055160; UP=7; DN=10 Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989)
American Poet and Novelist
Most famous for his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel All the King's Men, Robert Penn Warren has also won several prizes and awards (including other Pulitzer Prizes) for his poetry and other writings. He was the first U.S. Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress.
Relationship: 6th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=17981922; UP=8; DN=10 John F. Kennedy, Jr. (1960-1999)
American Icon
John F. Kennedy, Jr. was a lawyer, journalist, socialite, and publisher. The son of President John F. Kennedy, John Jr. grew up mainly on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. On July 16, 1999, John Jr. along with his wife and sister-in-law, were killed in a plane accident over the Atlantic Ocean.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=33878003; UP=8; DN=10 Elvis Presley (1935-1977)
American Entertainer
Elvis Aaron Presley is often called "The King of Rock and Roll", or simply "The King". He starred in movies but is best known for his music which includes over 100 top 40 songs including "Blue Suede Shoes", "Hound Dog", "Love Me Tender", "Don't Be Cruel", and "Jailhouse Rock".
Relationship: 7th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=10289711; UP=8; DN=10 Raymond Massey (1896-1983)
Canadian Actor
Raymond Hart Massey became famous from his traditional American roles even though he was Canadian. He starred in films such as Abe Lincoln in Illinois and How the West Was Won.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=17463474; UP=9; DN=9 Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge (1879-1957)
First Lady
Grace Goodhue Coolidge was a strong support to her husband, Calvin Coolidge, during his rise in politics. Her extroverted friendliness brought balance to his shyness.
Relationship: 8th Cousin
RID=20844616; UP=9; DN=10 Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
American Architect
Frank Lloyd Wright was an influential American architect. Pioneering the prairie style house and designing the Guggenheim Museum in New York are two of his most famous accomplishments.
Relationship: 8th Cousin 1 times removed
RID=100346439; UP=8; DN=11 B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)
American Psychologist
Burrhus Frederic Skinner was the pioneer of experimental psychology and behavioral studies. He sought to study behavior as it relates to environment and reinforcement.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=104806839; UP=8; DN=11 Frank Whittle (1907-1996)
British Inventor
Not many people took Frank Whittle seriously when he introduced his plans to create a jet engine. As an officer in the Royal Air Force, he helped to change the face of military tactics.
Relationship: 7th Cousin 3 times removed
RID=24038784; UP=11; DN=9 Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
Pioneer of Modern Nursing
Florence Nightingale, sometimes called "The Lady with the Lamp", was born in Italy in a wealthy British family. She instigated new ways of caring for soldiers during her work in the Crimean war and throughout her career.
Relationship: 8th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=12825335; UP=9; DN=14 Bob Hope (1903-2003)
American Actor
British-born American actor Leslie Townes Hope, better known as Bob Hope, was best known for his role in "My Favorite Brunette" and other radio and TV appearances.
Relationship: 8th Cousin 5 times removed
RID=31600732; UP=13; DN=11 Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
English Author
English author Aldous Huxley emigrated to England with his scientifically genius family. He was known for his novels, such as "Brave New World" and "Time Must Have a Stop".
Relationship: 10th Cousin 2 times removed
RID=45253427; UP=21; DN=4 Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964)
American Author
Mary Flannery O'Connor wrote novels and short stories often based in the South. Her most famous works include "The Violent Bear it Away" and "Wise Blood".
Relationship: 3rd Cousin 17 times removed
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